
Monday, June 15, 2015

56 Most Useful Websites In The Internet

Surfing around the internet is interesting and fun, but  also time consuming and you’ll feel less productive when you don’t know what you are looking for. But sometimes you just need a notepad of websites on a certain period of time and function. Here I give you a bunch of needful and useful websites in the internet that you wish you knew beforehand. It will save you time and effort. Just bare with my long list here, just give time to visit these sites and see.

1. 199jobs.com - Have anything done for just 199 PHP.
2. tsu.co - Social media that pays you their revenue.
3. xe.com - Great currency converter.
4. gayward-concepts.com - A good source of financial advices.
5. gfycat.com – Upload your gifs.
6. ninite.com – Download all the free software you want at the same time.
7. squirt.io – Speed read the web one word at a time.
8. oldversion.com – Get old versions of software.
9. printfriendly.com – Make any webpage print friendly.
10. privnote.com – Write a note to someone that will self-destruct after they read it.
11. recipepuppy.com – Search for recipes based on the ingredients you have.
12. pipl.com – A search engine for finding people.
13. whatismyip.com – Figure out you I.P. address.
14. spreeder.com – Improve reading speed and comprehension.
15. simplynoise.com – Listen to white noise.
16. ptable.com – An interactive periodic table.
17. join.me – Peek in on somebody’s computer screen.
18. woorank.com – Find out what your website is missing, how you can improve it, and how to make Google recognize it better.
19. rhymer.com – Online rhyming dictionary.
20. homestyler.com – Design your dream home.
21. wetransfer.com – An easy way to send big files.
22. pastebin.com – A place to paste text.
23. simitator.com - Build your own fake Facebook Status and prank your friends.
24. ptable.com – An interactive periodic table.
25. dropbox.com – Backup your sensitive document online.
26. network-tools.com – Various network tools.
27. amazon.com – The best place to buy things online.
28. lazada.com.ph - The Philippines' best place to buy things online.
29. writecheck.com – Correct grammar and check for plagiarism.
30. keepmeout.com – Lock yourself out of time wasting websites.
31. pcpartpicker.com – Plan out your next PC build.
32. screenr.com - record movies of your desktop and send them straight to Youtube.
33. goo.gl - shorten long URLs and converts URLs into QR codes.
34. unfurlr.com - find the original URL that's hiding behind a short URL.
35. postpost.com - a better search engine for twitter.
36. office.com - best place to experience Microsoft Office. Free Word,Excel,and Powerpoint.
37. jotti.org - a free online service that enables you to scan suspicious files with several anti-virus programs.

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38. wolframaplha.com - gets answers directly without searching.
39. random.org - pick random games, numbers, filp coins, and more.
40. pdfescape.com - lets you quickly edit PDFs in the browser itself.
41. myfonts.com/WhatTheFont - quickly determine a font from an image.
42. regex.info/exif.cgi - find data hidden in your photographs.
43. marker.to - easily highlight the important parts of a web page for sharing.
44. kleki.com - create paintings and sketches with a wide variety of brushes.
45. similarsites.com - discover new sites that are similar to what you already like.
46. kuler.adobe.com - get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
47. tinychat.com - setup a private chat room in micro-seconds.
48. google.com/history - found something on Google but can't remember it now?
49. disposablewebpage.com - create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
50. urbandictionary.com - find definitions of slangs and informal words.
51. sumopaint.com - an excellent layer-based online image editor.
52. snopes.com - check whether an email offer you received is real or just another scam.
53. youtube.com/leanback - Watch YouTube channels in TV mode.
54. youtube.com/disco - quicly create a video playlist of your favorite artist.
55. ifttt.com - create a connection between all your online accounts. Plus, automate things through your mobile devices.
56. Speedtest.net – lets you see your current internet speed.

Do you have more websites in mind to contribute? Feel free to comment below or email me at kuyadijae@gmail.com

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